Vocabulary For HSK 4 Part B
Dú shū hǎo dú hǎo shū hǎo dú shū
11. 读 书 好 ,读 好 书 , 好 读 书
= It's good to read; read good books and like reading.
连 bahkan (join; connect; implicate; continuosly)
fǒu zé
否 则 = jika tidak (if not)
wú lùn
无 论
Perbedaaan 不 管 (bu guan),不 论 (bu lun),无 论 (wu lun), 尽 管 (jin guan)
rán ér
然 而 tetapi (but, however)
tónɡ shí
同 时 disaat yang bersamaan (at the same time)
Yònɡ xīn fā xiàn shì jiè
12. 用 心 发 现 世 界
= Discover the world with your heart
bìnɡ qiě
并 且 = dan (and; besides; morever)
zài Yě
再 。。。也 。。。
the structure 再 。。。也 。。。is usually used in a hypothetical sentence indicating concession. "再" can be followed by a verb, an adjective or a sentence etc, meaning even if, no matter how
duì yú
对 于 = terhadap (with regard to)
名 量 词 重 叠 (mínɡ liànɡ cí zhònɡ dié )
A noun or measure word is often reduplicated in the form of "AA" to mean "each, every". The head word modified by a reduplicated measure word can serve as the subject, the attribute of the subject or the adverbial, but not the object, not the attribute of the object. For example" 天天,人人,件件
xiānɡ fǎn
相 反 = kebalikan (opposite; contrary)
Hē zhe chá kàn jīnɡ jù
13. 喝 着 茶 看 京 剧
= Drink tea while watching Beijing opera
dà ɡài
大 概 = kira-kira (probably)
ǒu ěr
偶 尔 = kadang-kadang (once in a while)
由 oleh (by)
jìn xínɡ
进 行 mengadakan (in progress; proceed)
suí zhe
随着 = mengikuti (along with)
Bǎo hù dì qiú mǔ qīn
14. 保 护 地 球 母 亲
= Protect our Mother Earth
够 = cukup (enough)
以 with, by means of; according to; because of
jì rán
既 然 = ternyata (now that)
yú shì
于 是 = accordingly; so; then
shén me dí
什 么 的 after a series of items (things like that; and so on; and what not)
Jiào yù hái zi de yì shù
15. 教 育 孩 子 的 艺 术
= The art of educating children
xiǎnɡ qǐ lai
想 起 来 terpikir (remember)
弄 play with; do; get
qiān wàn
千 万 = be sure to; must
来 = datang (come)
zuǒ yòu
左 右 kira-kira (probably)
Shēnɡ huó kě yǐ ɡènɡ měi hǎo
16. 生 活 可 以 更 美 好
= Life can be better
可 (kě )approve; as auxiliary be willing to;
the adverb "可" is used for emphasis. When used in a rhetorical question, it strengthens the tone.
kǒnɡ pà
恐 怕 = takutnya (be afraid of)
dào dǐ
到 底 = sebenarnya (to the end; to the finish)
ná Lái shuō
拿 。。。 来 说 = ambil ... contohnya
In the structure 拿 。。。 来 说, "拿" is a preposition used to introduce the matter or situation to be illustrated.
敢 = berani (dare)
Rén yǔ zì rán
17. 人 与 自 然
= Humans and nature
例 = contoh (example)
干 = melakukan (do; work)
趟 satuan untuk perjalanan (for a round trip; for a single train trip)
wèi le Er
为 了 。。。而 。。。demi untuk.... dan.... (for ....and....)
rénɡ rán
仍 然 = masih (still; as before)
Kē jì yǔ shì jiè
18. 科 技 与 世 界
= Science, technology and the world
shì fǒu
是 否 iya atau tidak (whether or not)
shòu bù liǎo
受 不 了 gak sanggup (cannot stand)
jiē zhe
接 着 selanjutnya (after that; and then)
chú cǐ yǐ wài
除 此 以 外 selain itu (besides; except)
"除 此 以 外" means "besides this (referring to what's been mentioned previously)", usually used in written Chinese.
bǎ Jiào zuò
把 。。。 叫 作 。。。
In the structure 把 。。。 叫 作 。。。(...is called...), the latter part is the name of the former part. "把" is usually followed by a noun, pronoun or noun phrase.
Shēnɡ huó de wèi dào
19. 生 活 的 味 道
= taste of life
yí wèn dài cí huò yònɡ biǎo shì rèn zhǐ
疑 问 代 词 或 用 表 示 任 指
The interrogative pronouns "什么 (what)", "谁(who)", "哪(which)", "哪儿 (where)", "哪 (which)" and "怎么(how)"
上 = atas (upper; after a preposition; first)
chū lai
出 来 keluar (come out)
zǒnɡ de lái shuō
总 的 来 说 = secara keseluruhan (generally speaking)
zài yú
在 于 depend on; consist in
Lù shànɡ de fēnɡ jǐnɡ
20. 路 上 的 风 景
= The view along the way
Zhe zhe
V + 着 + V + 着
The two Verbs in the structure V + 着 + V + 着 are the same, usually a monosyllabic one. The structure is often followed by another verb, indicating another action occurs when the one mentioned is going on.
For Example: 开着开着, 讲着讲着,躺着躺着.
yī Jiù
一 。。。 就 。。。 Penggunaan kata yi 一 ... jiu 就 ...
jiū jìnɡ
究 竟 = sebenarnya (what actually happened)
起 来 (qǐ lai ) = bangun (stand up ; indicating completeness or effectiveness)
For Example: 想起来, 看起来。
V + 起 (qi)
The structure V + 起 introduces the thing that an action involves. The verb is usually one of the few transitive verb.
For Example: 说起,谈起,讲起,问起。
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