60 Kosakata Bisnis Bahasa Mandarin

suara mandarin
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Berikut ini adalah 60 buah kosakata Bahasa Mandarin kategori bisnis.

    1. 抵达 dǐ dá
(to arrive at)

2. 贸易 mào yì

3. 职员  zhí yuán
(staff member, employee)

4. 举行  jǔ xínɡ
(to take place, to hold)

5. 商业 shānɡ yè
(business, commerce)

6. 会议 huì yì

7. 转机 zhuǎn jī
(to change airplanes)

8. 海关 人员  hǎi ɡuān rén yuán
(customs officer)

9. 报关  bào ɡuān
(to declare to customs)

10. 直接 zhí jiē

11. 联络 lián luò
(to contact)

12. 资料  zī liào

13. 签名  qiān mínɡ
(to sign one’s name)

14. 长途电话 
      chánɡ tú diàn huà
          (long distance telephone call)

15. 电报传真机 
      diàn bào chuán zhēn jī

16. 总机 zǒnɡ jī
(telephone switchboard)

17. 外线  wài xiàn
(outside telephone line)

18. 总经理 zǒnɡ jīnɡ lǐ
(general manager)

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19. 秘书 mì shū

20. 交代 jiāo dài
(to order)

21. 广播 ɡuǎnɡ bō
(to broadcast)

22. 临时 lín shí

23. 详细 xiánɡ xì
(in every detail)

24. 部门 bù mén

25. 主管  zhǔ ɡuǎn

26. 办事处 bàn shì chù

27. 负责 fù zé
         (responsible for)

28. 采购 cǎi ɡòu
         (to purchase)

29. 信用  xìn yònɡ

30. 争取 zhēnɡ qǔ
(to complete for)

31. 订单 dìnɡ dān
(an order)

32. 安排 ān pái
(to arrange)

33. 船务公司 chuán wù ɡōnɡ sī
(shipping company)

34. 副理 fù lǐ
(assistant manager)

35. 客户 kè hù

36. 失约 shī yuē
(to miss an appointment)

37. 做东 zuò dōnɡ
(to be ahost)

38. 讨教 tǎo jiào
(to ask for advice)

39. 大减价 dà jiǎn jià
(a large cut in price)

40. 专柜 zhuān ɡuì
(a specialty counter)

41. 顾客 ɡù kè

42. 打折 dǎ zhé
(to give a discount)

43. 尺码 chǐ mǎ

44. 尺寸chǐ cùn 

45. 新颖 xīn yǐnɡ 

46. 中意 zhònɡ yì
(to suit one’s needs)

47. 预算  yù suàn

48. 人工 rén ɡōnɡ 

49. 赠品 zènɡ pǐn

50. 发票  fā piào

51. 洽购 qià ɡòu
(to negotiate(in business))

52. 繁荣 fán rónɡ

53. 归功于 ɡuī ɡōnɡ yú
(is due to)

54. 外交公司 wài jiāo ɡōnɡ sī
(diplomatic relations)

55.  代表性 dài biǎo xìnɡ

56. 展出 zhǎn chū
(to display)

57. 应有尽有 yīnɡ yǒu jǐn yǒu 
(every thing that should be available is available)

58. 成效率 chénɡ xiào lǜ 
(the rate of transactions)

59. 构想 ɡòu xiǎnɡ

60. 等不及 děnɡ bù jí
(can’t wait any longer)


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